
“A beggar's book out-worths a noble's blood”

- William Shakespeare -

At KS3, students embark on an adventurous English Literature curriculum that unashamedly pursues the classics, from homegrown greats such as David Almond’s ‘Skellig’, to John Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’.  Every year of KS3 includes poetry, creative writing, non-fiction, drama, and speaking and listening.  From KS4, we maintain our focus on a broad range of English literature and work towards AQA GCSE English Language, Literature, or Functional Skills Qualifications.  In KS5 we additionally offer ‘A’ Level English Literature.

We believe that language is the code by which all subjects and walks of life achieve success. Reading is analysis, writing is creating and speaking is expression. Oracy and literacy permeates our whole school’s approach and students leave Great Oaks ready to articulate the futures that they so richly deserve.


  • Teacher
  • Journalist
  • Librarian
  • Author
  • Lawyer
  • Editor