
‘Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.’

- Shakuntala Devi -

The curriculum for maths is central to Students’ development, attainment, and progress. Numeracy is vital to interact with and negotiate the world, using skills such as calculation, reasoning, and problem-solving. Within a needs-based, personalised curriculum, the teaching is via a range of motivating activities that are structured to promote a deeper understanding and retention of mathematical concepts.  The curriculum explores real-life situations so that the students can learn to generalise skills in different settings and become equipped to navigate the wider world.

Mathematics is a core subject that is studied throughout the student’s academic life. 

Key Stage 3:

The main areas of study are:-

  • Number

  • Algebra

  • Ratio, Proportion & Rates of Change

  • Geometry & Measures

  • Probability 

  • Statistics

Students are immersed in the fundamentals of mathematics and practise with varied, increasingly complex problems over time to develop conceptual understanding and apply knowledge accurately. Students will be able to reason using correct mathematical language to construct arguments and justify them confidently. 

Key Stage 4:

The GCSE syllabus starts in year 10 for all students and they will be required to review and extend their knowledge and skills.  The course follows the AQA Syllabus. The assessment of this subject is in the form of three examinations (two calculators and one non-calculator), sat at the end of the course in year 11.  The papers are offered at two levels, foundation and higher, although most of our students sit at the foundation level.  Students will continue to work in the six areas of the National Curriculum.  GCSE texts are used to supplement the teaching of key topics which appear in past papers.

When the GCSE curriculum is considered inappropriate for the student, Functional Skills Maths is taught. Students begin at the appropriate level (Entry Level 1, 2 or 3) in Key Stage 4 and progress on to Level 1 or Level 2 (recognised as GCSE equivalent) during Key Stage 5.

Key Content:

  • Using numbers and the number system – whole numbers

  • Using common measures, shape,s and space

  • Handling data

Assessment is in the form of two papers (a non-calculator and a calculator paper).


Key Stage 5:

The course content for both AS and A Level Maths is split into three overlapping areas: Pure Maths, Statistics, and Mechanics. Pure Maths makes up two thirds of the content and the remaining third comprising of the two applied maths subject areas. Students will develop their mathematical communication through full logical calculations, correct notation, and clear reasoning when problem-solving. 

  • Pure Maths is the cornerstone of the course and the skills and knowledge acquired from pure Maths are essential to success in statistics and mechanics. Some topics will be familiar from GCSE, such as algebra and trigonometry, but will be developed and studied in greater depth. Other topics are completely new, such as calculus and logarithmic functions.

  • Statistics includes the analysis representation of data, application of probabilities theory to model real life situations, and hypothesis testing. Building upon the foundations laid at GCSE, this will be particularly useful to those who are currently studying or are planning to study, biology, geography, or social sciences.

  • Mechanics includes the study of forces and motion. Setting up and analysing mathematical models of problems in the real world. Anyone considering the study of physics or engineering we'll find this particularly relevant.

AS Level Maths is assessed through two exams of 1 ½ hours. While the A Level assessment consists of three exams of two hours each. All the examinations use a mix of question styles, from short, single-mark questions to multi-step problems. Pure maths content could appear in any exam paper, whereas the applied maths content will be concentrated in specific exams.

To enable all pupils to fulfill their potential and access externally accredited courses where appropriate. 

To motivate pupils towards a passion for their maths learning, through practical, creative activity, investigation, and discussion. 

To promote confidence and competence with numbers and the number system.

To teach skills acquisition to be generalised in a range of contexts. 

To teach pupils to be increasingly able to communicate about mathematical ideas and concepts. 

To teach pupils to link their maths learning to everyday life and apply mathematical skills in a range of settings. 

To provide an opportunity for pupils to develop their ability to solve problems through decision-making and reasoning in a range of contexts. 

To develop a practical understanding of how information is gathered and presented. 

To explore features of shape and space, and develop measuring skills in a range of contexts. 

To develop an appreciation of the creative aspects of maths.


  • Science and Medicine
  • Construction and Engineering
  • Finance and Accountancy
  • Teaching
  • Retail and Sales