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- Safeguarding
Are you worried? Do you feel unsafe? We are the safeguarding team:
Deputy Designated safeguarding lead | Julie Kelly (Headteacher) |
Designated Safeguarding lead | Rebecca Taylor (Assistant Headteacher) |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead | Kerri Baker (SENCO) |
Deputy Designated safeguarding lead | Andy Crane (Assistant Headteacher) |
Deputy designated safeguarding lead | Joanne Bellenie (Teacher) |
School Administrator & PA to headteacher | Jackie Neve |
Pastoral Lead | Jade Laslett |
Assistant Pastoral lead | Tracey Wild |
Great Oaks Small School recognises our statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everybody’s responsibility and everyone has a role to play.
All members of our community (staff, volunteers, trustees, leaders, parents/carers, wider family networks, and students) have an important role in safeguarding children and all have an essential role to play in making our community safe and secure.
Great Oaks Small School believes that the best interests of children always come first. All children (defined as those up to the age of 18) have a right to be heard and to have their wishes and feelings taken into account and all children regardless of age, gender, ability, culture, race, language, religion, or sexual identity or orientation, have equal protection rights.
Staff working with children at Great Oaks Small School will maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff will always act in the best interests of the child and if any member of our community has a safeguarding concern about any child or adult, they should act immediately.
The safeguarding policy applies where there are any child protection concerns regarding children who attend the school but may also apply to other children connected to the school, for example, siblings, younger members of staff (under 18s), or children on student/work placements.
Great Oaks Small School recognises the importance of providing an ethos and environment within school that will help children to be safe and to feel safe.
In our school, children are respected and are encouraged to talk openly. We will ensure children’s wishes and feelings are taken into account when determining what safeguarding action to take and what services to provide.
Great Oaks Small School recognises the importance of adopting a trauma-informed approach to safeguarding; we understand there is a need to consider the root cause of children’s behavior and consider any underlying trauma.
Are you worried about a child or young person?
If you have any concerns about a student at our school contact the School Office.
School hours (08:00 - 16:00):
Telephone 01843 822022 Email office@greatoakssmallschool.co.uk
Outside of school hours (weekends, school holidays and anyday between 16:00 and 08:00):
Telephone Integrated Children's Services on 0300 41 11 11 (office hours) or 0300419191 (out of office hours)
If you believe a child is in immediate danger, always contact 999 for assistance.