What can I do if I get lost? 

The school is small and there are a lot of staff who can help you. 

Where can I get food and where can I eat it? 

You need to bring your own healthy lunch and snacks.  There are places around the school that are for eating. Some spaces are quieter than others. 

How do I know which lesson I have and where it is? 

Your individual timetable has all this information. It tells you the subject, time, the teacher and room.  

How many lessons do I have a day? 

There are five lessons each day.   

How many breaks do I have? 

You have two breaks in the morning before lunch and one break in the afternoon, after lunch. The breaks are 15 minutes and lunch is 45 minutes. 

What can I do at breaktime and lunchtime? 

There is a large garden to explore at the Farmhouse.  If you prefer to be inside there are games and puzzles to use.  There are a variety of different clubs running at lunchtimes for example music, art, games, film, crafts and walking club.  

What do I need to bring to school with me? 

A healthy packed lunch, snacks and water bottle. Water bottles can be refilled at the water coolers. Everything you will need for lessons is provided at school but if you want to use your own equipment then you are welcome to bring a named pencil case with you.  You will need suitable outdoor clothing and footwear for the time of year. More information on what to bring can be read in the Student Behaviour policy appendix.